Imprint Men

Helping Men meaningfully connect with one another

1 Corinthians 16:13

Vision & Mission for Imprint Men
  • To make grateful and generous disciples through the gospel of Jesus Christ
  • To help men meaningfully connect with one another
  • To provide an avenue for building friendships
  • To connect men into Imprint Groups for mutual discipleship
  • To reach young men in our culture
Bible Studies
We offer various Bible Studies throughout the year. Check our events page to see what's currently on tap!
Theology and Practice
We host an event called Theology and Practice several times per year. We provide a full breakfast, a keynote speaker on an issue relating to men, and a chance to connect with others over common interests. Check our events page for signups.
Common Interest Groups
Our hope is that men will connect outside of official church events over common interests. To facilitate this, we've created a Slack workspace for Imprint men to connect. 

Core Groups

These are meant to work in tandem with Imprint Groups, whether that means meeting up on off weeks or early in the morning over coffee. You can read a book or a book of the Bible together, talk about life, or even just pray. We believe that real discipleship is not just information transfer, but application of the Word to our lives. For info on Imprint Groups, click the button below.