Young Adults

Imprint Young Adults

There are several opportunities to connect with other young adults at Imprint to be encouraged and to grow in your discipleship to Jesus. You can check below for current events, or join the e-mail list to be notified when an event is coming up.


On Saturday, May 25th Imprint Young Adults will head to Kenmore Lanes for some bowling and then finish off the night with "The Best Pizza in the Universe" (Sparta's).

High School seniors are invited, and welcome, to join us for this, and all future activities!  Come get integrated into the Imprint Young Adults as you near your upcoming High School graduation - and the transition into adulthood!

The cost for this event will be "pay whatever you can".  We want young adults to come, whether they can afford to pay the full price or nothing at all.  Any extra funds will be directed towards the total cost of the event and/or other future Imprint Young Adults activities.
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