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Imprint Church

One Church // Two locations

Worship with us

Sundays at 9:00am or 11:00Am In Bothell And Woodinville

Sundays at 9:00am or 11:00Am
In Bothell And Woodinville

Imprint Church is an evangelical Christian church meeting in Bothell and Woodinville, Washington.  

We hold two Gatherings each Sunday at 9:00AM and 11:00AM. We have two locations with unique staff, but a unified vision of making Grateful and Generous disciples through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

To learn more about a specific location and to learn what to expect while visiting Imprint, click one of the images below!



Watch a sermon

At Imprint, our norm is to preach through books of the Bible verse by verse. Our commitment as a church is to let the word of God do the work of God in people’s lives, by the power of the Spirit of God.  Check out our latest sermon, or click below to see more.

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